Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks 蘋果幹細胞活飲

Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks

Product Benefits

15 Unbeatable reasons for Swisscorr

1. Stimulates regeneration of skin stem cell
2. Improvement on wrinkles & fine lines
3. Improvement on dry skin;water replenishment
4. Skin lightening,reduce pigmentation
5. Skin firming, pores minimizing
6. Breast firming & enhancement
7. Improvement on hair & nail growth
8. Improvement on body metabolism & blood circulation
9. Improvement on body immune system
10. Improvement on kidney detoxification system
11. Improvement on blood vessel elascity
12. Improvement on brain development
13. Reduce water retention, loss weights
14. Improvement on menstrual ( accuracy & pain)
15. Delay menopause

Uttwiler Spatlauber
Apple stem cells derived from a rare 18th century varieties of apple - Uttwiler Spatlauber Apple, since the varieties of apples are very sour taste, so not many people farming. At present, there were only 3 remaining Uttliwer Spatlauber apple tree in Switzeerland.
Scientists found Uttwiler Spatlauber apples keep fresh even 4 months after harvesting. Uttliwer Spatlauber Apple contains a wealth of nutrients, protein and amazing vitality of the plants in operation to help the health regeneration of damaged cells.
Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks
Apple stem cells derived from a rare 18th century varieties of apple - Uttwiler Spatlauber Apple, since the varieties of apples are very sour taste, so not many people farming. At present, there were only 3 remaining Uttwiler Spa lauber apple tree in Switzerland. Scientists found Uttwiler Spatlauber apples keep fresh even 4 months after harvesting. Uttwiler Spatlauber Apple contains a wealth of nutrients, protein and amazing vitality of the plant stem cells. Apple stem cell damage caused callus of plants in operation to help the health regeneration of damaged cells.
Apple Stem Cell & Scientific Research

Scientific Research - Experiment on Stem Cell Regeneration 1

In another experiment, involving the effect of Swiss apple stem cells on fibroblast cells. Fibroblasts contribute to collagen production, mucopolysaccharide, and elastic fibers. Fibroblasts not only helps the skin to provide a structural framework, they also play a key role in wound healing.
In the experiment, the scientists treated fiber cells with hydrogen peroxide for two hours, until the fibroblast cells began aging, which means that the quality of genes decreased, decreased cell proliferation and growth.

Scientific Research - Experiment on Stem Cell Regeneration 2

However, these degraded fibroblasts later treated in Uttwiler Spatlauber apple stem cells extract for 144 hours, the quality of genes restore , cell proliferation and growth to resume normal operation, and in some cases, the genes better than before and enhance cell proliferation and growth! In addition, the scientists said, Uttwiler Spatlauber Apple stem cells stimulate an important antioxidant enzyme called heme oxygenase.
Heme oxygenase is the process of heme catabolism rate-limiting enzyme, biliverdin and its product (red) pigment and carbon monoxide has anti-oxidative injury, respectively, and blood vessel regulation and so on.

Scientific Research - Experiment on UV Protection

Scientists conducted an experiment on cord blood stem cells to ultraviolet radiation (UV).
Experimental results shown that under the strong ultraviolet radiation, 43% of cell death. However with the Swiss apple stem cells extract repeat the test solution, shows only a slight 6% of cell death.
Once again proved that the Swiss apple stem cells extract effective in preventing UV damage to the
skin as high as 37%.
Daily UV radiation can pass through skin dermis and stimulate the skin to create hydrogen peroxide and free radicals, damage to collagen and elastic fibers, accelerate the formation of melanin, the skin becomes dull, rough, loss of elasticity.
Apple stem cells act as skin "protective layer" to resist UV damage and the destruction of collagen, keeping skin elasticity, prevent sun pigmentation, wrinkles and premature aging.
Apple stem cells through 24 hours of continuous protection , improve the skin ability to combat against external damage, strengthen self-healing features.

Scientific Research - Experiment on Wrinkles Reduction 1

A wrinkle is a fold, ridge or crease in the skin , caused by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration, and various other factors.
Scientists conducted research to 20 volunteers aged 37 to 64 years , consume Swiss Apple Stem Cell for 28 days. The results showed that 100% of the study volunteers had significant improvement of fine lines and wrinkles.

Scientific Research - Experiment on Wrinkles Reduction 2

Swiss apple stem cells promote collagen protein synthesis, and enhance their ability to support the skin. After 4 weeks of consuming Swisscorr, your skin will become smooth and radiant, wrinkles and fine lines reduce significantly. Apple stem cells also function to inhibit the effect of melanin, achieving a fabulous results in skin lightening & brightening.


Collagen is your body's basic building block. It is necessary for the creation of skin, muscle, bone and cartilage. At some point, usually in your late twenties, your body will no longer be producing the full amount of collagen it requires to repair your body, and a slow decline occurs. By ingesting Hydrolysed Collagen into the bloodstream you can change that. Without enough collagen your skin and body are old, whatever your age! No Anti-Ageing system can be effective without an adequate supply of body collagen.

Your body does not get collagen from food, it has to make it. Absorbing collagen also promotes the body's own collagen production. By Ingesting (not digesting as food), your body lifts its own collagen production to that of a younger person. By drinking collagen to stimulate collagen synthesis, your whole body becomes more youthful from within.
Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is found in all connective tissue, joints, body cavities, joint spaces, and tissue surfaces. Hyaluronic Acid is important in the lubrication of joints, integrity of tissues, fighting bacterial invasiveness, elasticity of skin, vision, and molecular transport between cells. Hyaluronic Acid fills the intercellular space between collagen and other cells, providing support and the essential framework for tissues.

L-glutathione is the most abundant amino acid found in skeletal muscle. It is also a potent antioxidant, enzyme cofactor, and detoxifier.It is the major endogenous antioxidant produced by the cells, participating directly in the neutralization of free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds, as well as maintaining exo enous antioxidants such as vitamins C and E in their reduced (active) forms.L- Glutathione is essential for the immune system to exert its full potential.

Salmon Placenta

Salmon is fished in Hokkaido, Japan. SOP has been studied as per having liver function improvement effect (detoxification) and preventive of diabetes, and expected to be effective to combat metabolic syndrome. SOP has been attributed positive anti-aging and enhancement of skin beauty by cell activation like animal origin placenta, while supporting diet by decreasing fat cells after exercise and preventing enlargement of fats.Fish scale-origin collagen is little polluted by toxic substances and easily absorbed into the body due to its small molecular weight.
Astaxanthin, which found in Salmon, claims to be the world best antioxidants, it may be beneficial in cardiovascular, immune, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Some research has suggested potential as an anti-cancer agent.
Soy Isoflavone

Soy isoflavones are naturaly present in the soy bean.Soy has been a main food in Asian countries for many years. This is because they are very nutritious: they contain about 36% protein, 18% fat, 30% carbohydrates, isoflavones and a lot of minerals and vitamins.
The role of soy in the prevention of chronic diseases continues to be a top priority for scientist around the world. Linking health and soy consumption give striking results: lower number of hormonal depending tumors such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, better bone stability, lower risk of developing osteoporosis and an extremely low rate of menopause symptoms.
The consumption of isoflavones during the puberty, when the female breast develops, appears to protect the woman later in life against cancer. Studies show that women who ate weekly more than 3 portions of soy during adolescence showed a 40% reduced risk of breast cancer compared to those who did not consume soy. That's why it's important for girls to consume soy products or isoflavones supplements.


Customers have taken 10 days after Swisscorr Apple stem cells, significantly improves the pores, Skin Whitening and beautiful as her sensitive skin.

Photo: 【 见证 2 】Photo: 【 见证 1 】

Before                           After

Madam Fan 53 years old
I am age of 53 years old woman and facing menopause problems. I feel my skin getting dull and I get tired easily.
However, after I consume Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks for a month,my menopause sympthon getting better, my skin become more radiant and I am more energetic! Thanks alot to Swisscorr for promoting such a good product!

Before                                After

Madam Tai 46 years old
Previously I have tried many different brands of supplements, however, i am not quite satisfied with the anti aging results. I am still facing laughing lines, fine lines problem, and the most worried part is that my face start sagging. However, after I start consuming Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks for one month, I feel that my face getting firmer, laughing lines and fines lines reduced tremendously!


Madam Chong 32 years old
I was having a dull, oily and uneven skin tone in the past 10 years after giving birth to my child.However, after I consume Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks for two weeks, my skin become smoother, brighter and more radiant. The results are amazing! And now I am already a woman with fair,firm and smooth skin !

Apple Stem Cell FAQS

Q. What is the difference between Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks and collagen drinks?

A. Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks uses Uttwiler Spatlauber apple stem cell which is clinically proven stimulate 80% skin stem cell regeneration.
Besides, Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks also consists of hydrolyzed collagen which is good for skin firming & tightening.

Q. What results could we expect to see after consume Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks?

A. Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks is a comprehensive solutions for our inner body and skin.
It could help us to improve our body immune system, balance hormones, improves body blood circulation and metabolism.
Besides, it could also helps to improves our skin firming, whitening and moisturizing.

Q. How long can we see the results?

A.You may experience the miracle results of Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks in just 10 days!
However, results may vary due to individual body condition.

Q. Who cannot drink the Swisscorr Apple Stem Cell Rejuvenation Drinks?

A. Our product is a nutrition product and its suitable for all range of people.
However,we suggest patient, pregnant woman, breast feeding woman to obtain doctors' advice before
consume our product.

Q. Direction for consumptions?

A. For the initial 3months treatment period, we suggest our customers to drink 2sachets / day, one sachet day and night.
After 3 months treatment period, customers may drink one sachet in the morning ( empty stomach).

more detail Pls contact: 
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